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I HAD RECENTLY FINISHED working with Larry Taymor on the Click TV interface project when he told me he was starting a company built around casual gaming. Sounded fun enough, but this particular game would suck in YouTube videos as the game elements. If nothing else, I really wanted to see how they would pull this one off. Well, I suppose the code part was pretty difficult, but the game works like a charm. And it's a new way to explore what's on YouTube without falling into a rabbit hole.
The company began its life as PopJax. About a year into it, the name was changed to VideoJax. And so I had the chance at being part of a double identity project. Eventually the business model transformed into a partnership program, so I would "reskin" the games to go on big media sites like NY Post and AIM. And Larry identified unique ways to build custom games around an ad campaign (see the DKNY piece) so that the game itself became an ad.
I've been working with some great engineers on this one as well, including David Karam, Chris Olsen and Howie Spielman. And the project reminds me why it can be so much fun to be a designer.